These are my lovely socks that I received from
Janice. They are a perfect fit and this photo doesn't do any justice to the colours or pattern.

Also included in my parcel were the following items...the shortbread is long gone!! Thankyou so very much Janice for my fantastic parcel.

Like a numpty, I forgot to take photo's of the sock parcel I sent to Hilary but if you pop over
HERE you can have a look at them on her blog.
These are a FO at long last (I lost the first sock way back in June - thought it might be in Wales lol but finally found it lurking in a sad looking bag tucked away in the depths) The yarn is Fabel #901.

I just had to include Sis's completed socks...these took way too long to finish but I just got on with it, found my lost sock mojo in the process - so I have to thank her for her pestering ;)

And now there's these...

DAD SOCKS!!!!!! bigger than any sock I have ever knitted before. Thankfully he used the magic words 'thick' and 'house' which means dk, 3.75mm needle and a pretty quickly knitted man sock.
I did have a photo of Mam's february lady sweater which I started last week but I can't find it, so i'll do that tommorrow along with a few hats for the 'C list reduction' operation.