As some of you, who know of me already, know...I became an Auntie on the 5th of July :D. My sister gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and they have named her 'Millie Rose'.
Of course there has been some knitting and more will's a cardy to start with.

Naturally when new additions arrive into the family, it always makes me think of when mine were born. A trip to the attic of memories was just what I needed and sure enough I found something.

This is a little doll I knitted for my eldest DD...nearly 14yrs ago...
I'm thinking of passing her on but she does needs a good wash! not DD ;) the doll.
And because i'm now on a roll...A few more pics!
Firstly, this was my lovely bookmark sent to me by
Jacquie on the
crafty threads n yarns forum.

It's just fab.
And Dada!!!!! I finished the toeup/shortrow heel socks.

I'm currently in a knitting lull....I want to make too many things all at once and i've had to walk away...poor mum will never get her cardy at this rate.